from a Builders Bridge Community Partner
Builders Bridge offers the Cadillac of mentoring, and that’s extremely important to me and how I talk about the program with students. It’s so much more than we’ll put you in touch with someone who might hire you. It’s a true mentoring relationship.
Three of my students have had huge success with the Navigator Program. One student, a 10th grader, went through the electrical program last summer, and is now working on the weekends with the company for whom he interned with. He’s also interested in another mentorship next summer to try something different. I love that he’s able to do that and explore more in-depth what he’d like to do.
The other two students came fully formed with their ideas - one who wanted to be an electrician and one a carpenter; they each followed through with mentorships, and one was offered a full- time opportunity at Southern Staircase; the other student is working part-time with Simpson Electric while pursuing a two-year degree in electricity at Midland Tech.
These students were interested in working with their hands and finding job opportunities outside of an office. They were willing to put their backs into it and work hard. They produced work they could be proud of and confirmed for themselves how important your work ethic is. Builders Bridge programming and mentoring made that possible.
Susan Brackett
Work-Based Learning Coordinator, Fort Mill School District
Susan E. Gann
At Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, our biggest challenge when it comes to career and technical education is breaking that 18-year-old-student barrier; it’s a loud, high tall wall that we cannot break on our own; we can give young people all the experiences we can, but most of our students don’t turn 18 until they graduate, so the expectation that we can bridge the pipeline gap from high school to a career option after graduation is a complete misunderstand.
Builders Bridge is trying to bridge that gap during high school, and they’re passionate about making that happen. They accept students where they are, they help them to find their niche, and then they get them connected to what makes them happy.
Builders Bridge listens; they come with a servant heart to listen to what the barriers are and they try to solve the problem of bridging a student’s experience in the classroom with an industry opportunity. That’s what true partnership is.
Susan E. Gann
Director of Career and Technical Education, Charlotte- Mecklenburg Schools
Brian Davis
It’s extremely important to us that we expose our students to a variety of career options so they can see what’s out there. They can be challenging sometimes because students don’t always see the variety of amazing careers that are available to them.
From the beginning of our time working together, Builders Bridge has been a great partner in working through this challenge; they got involved immediately, not only as part of our construction trade advisory committee, but also coming to speak with the students. They also got involved with our Construction All-Star banquet to highlight top students in the construction trade and connect them with the right contacts to continue their technical education.
Builders Bridge understands the industry need and the opportunity available to students because of that need; they also know that they need to get out there and recruit students for these trades - especially younger students, to expose them earlier, and more often. The parents see and believe the opportunity available to their kids; they work is helping students better understand and feel comfortable with these outstanding career options.
We need more companies and organizations willing and eager to do what Builders Bridge does to bridge the gap between schools and the trade industries. Their team is a tremendous resource for schools, students, and families because of that thought process - they are here to serve as the bridge to opportunity.
They’re outstanding, and we’ve enjoyed working with them.
Brian Davis
Director of Career Readiness and Technical Education, Union County Public Schools